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Berkeley Math Tournament

BMT 2024 Logistics Update 1

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Dear coaches,

Thank you for registering for BMT 2024 on Saturday, November 2, 2024! This year’s BMT will be the largest tournament we’ve run to date, with 1,200 expected students, and we’re excited to have you. Please read this email in its entirety to ensure your team is ready for the event.

Event Details

Rosters, Waivers, Refunds of Unused Seats

If you have more than one seat purchased, you have received an email from us with this announcement's text.

Each seat signifies a spot for one student at BMT. Note that having purchased seats alone does not constitute a completed registration; you must also invite students and assign students to teams on ContestDojo. Only students that have been assigned a team will be able to participate. Additionally, all students must complete a waiver and photo release form (through ContestDojo).

If you are unfamiliar with ContestDojo, please read our ContestDojo Guide.

If your organization has seats that you don’t plan to use, please let us know as soon as possible so we can release these seats to teams on the waitlist. If you let us know before October 26, you will receive a full refund. You can contact us at

For teams of 1 and 2

We noticed many organizations with only 1 or 2 seats purchased. We believe the team-based aspects are crucial to the BMT experience, and strongly recommend teams of at least 4. Additionally, teams smaller than 4 students will be disadvantaged by our scoring model.

Although it is too late to purchase additional seats, you may merge with other organizations who are already registered for the event. We have organized a Teammate Finder spreadsheet for this use. Instructions are located on the spreadsheet.

Schedule and Check-in

BMT 2024 will begin at 7:40am and end before 8:00pm.

As in past years, coaches must check in their teams, where they will receive room assignments, tournament guides, pre-ordered T-shirts, and other materials. This year, coaches will also have the option to check-in online during the week before the tournament to expedite the morning process. Coaches that choose to check-in online must still come to the check-in area to pick up their materials.

More details about check-in and the online check-in option will be released soon, along with a detailed schedule of events for the day. Please stay alert for this email, as understanding the check-in process is crucial to ensuring your students will be able to begin their tests on time. Because of the scale of this year’s event, check-in will also be split between multiple locations, so please take extra care.


We are offering lunch for $12 per sandwich, which can be purchased as add-ons on ContestDojo. The deadline for purchasing food is Tuesday, October 22. There are three menu options to choose from: Turkey, Pastrami, and Vegan. More details are available on the Event Page.

Students, coaches and parents are also free to find their own food. Many restaurants can be found on the south side of campus (~10 minute walk from rooms) and in Downtown Berkeley (~15 minute walk from rooms).

Coach Volunteers Requested

Due to the increased scale of BMT this year, we are requesting some coaches to assist with proctoring. We are still refining the details, so keep an eye out for more information in the next email.

As a reminder, the event page for BMT 2024 can be viewed at

If you have any other questions, please reply to this email, or you can reach us at

BMT Organizers

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Hosted by the OCF

We are a student group acting independently of the University of California. We take full responsibility for our organization and this web site.